第一章 下一步,怎么办(2/5)
&n day ithout you y friend
&n ay fro here e an
&nh i'll tell you all au aga
&n kne all the pnes e fle
that i'll ht here
&n you ather path
&n e loved to hit the road and ugh< told that it ouldn't st
&n sitch up look at thgs different see the er picture
&nse ere the days hard ork forever pays
&n i see you a better pce
&nuld e not talk aut faily hen faily's all that e t
&n i ent through you ere standg there by y side &n day ithout you y friend &na &n ay fro here e an &nh i'll tell you all au aga &na &n and hat's sall turn to a friendship a friendship turn to a nd and &nnd ill never ve ill never t lost &ntherhood e first then the le &nssed estan hen that le had to be dran and that le is hat e reach &n rene &nuld e not talk aut faily hen faily's all that e t &n i ent through you ere standg there by y side &nht guide your ay &nld every ory as you &nad you take ill alays lead you ho &n &n day ithout